Monday, January 15, 2007


I'm starting to panic as the holiday to Barbados is looming ever closer and I have been quite lax lately in the food and exercise department. I think it has something to do with the horrible british weather, it makes you crave stodgy food and want to stay in bed in the morning instead of getting up earlier to exercise.

I promised myself I would read the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Book again to get back on track as I know it works.

While our parents grew up with the idea that it was best to eat only three meals a day, scientists now tell us that we need to eat more often than that if we want to lose weight. We are so eager to lose weight that we swallow the promises of every diet guru on the planet and eagerly plunk down our hard earned cash, praying that this time it will work.

Low-Fat/High-Carb Dieting - virtually all the diets promise that they are how to lose weight fast diets are supposed to work. Interval training is a fun and excellent way to burn fats and lose weight fast while building endurance at the same time. We know all these things yet we still don't practice them often enough.

Now you can use the power of hypnosis to not only break negative habits like overeating food like sweets, and chocolate but also to lose weight. But what if your problems aren't related to overeating chocolates and biscuits, what if you don't eat those things and still don't lose weight. I think that is your body saying that you have overdone the yo yo dieting over the years and your metabolism needs boosting.

The only way to do that is to eat several small meals a day and exercise, thus stoking the metabolic fires. This is basically what the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle system is all about but with a lot of tips and tricks to help you on your way.

Some people may also argue that the points' system approach to weight control is a short term method and just one of many weight-loss options,this has worked for a lot of people, but I tried it and couldn't stick to it. I guess it just depends on your personallity typ too, what works for one person doesn't necarsarily work for everyone. We are struggling as a sociey with weight loss because people are attempting to combat it with short term solutions and it is not a short term problem.

The difference between those people who lose weight and those who don't is simply how many excuses they make. And we're all good at making excuses, me especially.

The fact is to lose weight permanently you need to make permanent changes to your lifestyle. Most weight loss experts agree that the key to long-term weight management evolves from permanent lifestyle changes. The key to permanent weight loss is speeding up your body’s metabolism so that it burns through the food you consume more rapidly.

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